Well, it's been awhile..so long, in fact, that I've actually flown back to the mainland, packed up my things and unloaded them in my Tacoma home. What's been going on since the last blog...well, my friends let me tell you!
My traveller friends (plus a couple of non-locals) have gotten together every weekend for dinner. Well, the last Saturday before I finished work was my turn, and actually, they were doing me a favor. I had so much food left over

that I could have fed an army. So we had a smorgasbord at my apt. of Asian influenced foods, my now famous bulgogi (Korean bbq beef) that everyone loved and I even made my rice rolls. I sent a lot of leftovers with them and still had food left over!
Everyone loved my apt, particularly the view of the ocean, which was quite impressive since it was on the 41st floor. We ate on the lanai, all squeezed together at a table suited for 4 (there were 8 of us) only with candlelight to light our way. Everyone left with a full belly and food for the next day.
That Sunday, I went to see a friend finish up a sprint triathalon at a local beach park. I was running late, as usual, and by the time I had gotten down there, I thought I had missed her. It turns out that I actually missed seeing her run by as she had not finished as early as I had thought. I met up with her later as well with other friends a local hotspot on the beach. I think I'm getting old, as I left around 9pm (got there around 630pm) because I was done.
Finished my last week of work without any fuss. I was a little disappointed that some of the OT staff did not lunch with myself and another OT who would be leaving in a couple of weeks after ordering in. I guess we got an idea of their feelings toward us. No sweat off my back.
The big excursion that I went on was on the Saturday of Memorial weekend, after I had finished working. Some friends and I flew to Molokai, an island off of Maui, for a mule ride down a mountain to an old leper colony. Kalaupapa was an isolated part of the island that people with leprosy were shipped to (kind of like how TB patients were sent to sanitariums long ago) in the 30s and 40s. The only way to get them there was by boat and cargo ships only came in 1-2 times a year. People were separated from their families, no matter what their age was. Eventually, they were allowed to leave (I think it was during the 70s) but most stayed as it was all that they knew and some were very deformed. However, even those not so deformed had stayed. There were only about 2 dozen people left. We were allowed to take pictures of anything except the people...however, I didn't see any people. It was very sad what they had to endure.
The one thing that amazed me was their ability to adapt. Being an OT, I can appreciate this. In this one small museum, there were items displayed that the people had adapted to be able to use. One of the effects of leprosy (aka Hansen's disease) was the resorption of bone which makes their fingers very short and stubby so holding small items was next to impossible. What these people were able to create were adapted utensils where the long handle of a fork or spoon was shaped into a loop and soddered. In essence, they created their own universal cuff-like adaptation for their utensils. Truly amazing!!!!!

The mule ride, was exciting but one of the scariest things I've ever done. Imagine trusting your life to this mule, going down

the side of a steep mountain with 26 switchbacks on a trail about 3-4 feet wide. It was so steep that I had to constantly lean back in the sadd

le and because my arms were too short to hold onto the pommel with both hands, I had to hold it with one and the back of the saddle with the other. These mules would take the switchback turns very wide so that it would seem like they're heading for the edge of the trail. Most of the trail had not fences or barriers of any kind and the only thing between you and the bottom were a few bushes and small tree branches. The trail itself was made of dirt, rocks and a few trail steps, some of which were so high that it felt like I was "dropping" down to the next one with such a jolt. Fortunately, none of the mules slipped. The ride going up was much smoother and easier.
We had a few hours after the mule ride so we drove around. There was a 'Phallic rock', that we strolled to,

expecting something other than what we saw. Yes, that is the true name. The only shape that we saw was the head of the penis, not the shaft. Needless to say, we were all disappointed. It was a lot smaller than the story would imply!
The next couple of days were spent cleaning the apt, getting rid of all my food and packing up the last of my things. I had started packing days earlier, anticipating my return to CA. I guess I was ready to leave.
Hawaii was great, but for me, it's a great place to visit but not to live. The weather wasn't suitable for me, being so humid, and the activities weren't my cup of tea. Not really being a water baby, there wasn't the usual bevy of activities for me to participate in. There were no sports leagues and the weather wasn't too conducive for a lot of outdoor action activities. It's definitely a place to visit, I think, particularly the other islands. Having been to almost all of the islands, Oahu is ok in comparison to the others as far as unusual things to do and the scenery. If you have the chance, definitely go visit.
I'll post some pictures once I get them uploaded from my camera. With the move, I'm not organized.