Sunday, March 9, 2008

another week, another dollar

Well, I got my first paycheck from my travelling first thought was wow, it's a lot less than what I was making. Then a reality check hit..oh, yea, I'm in Hawaii and I don't have to pay rent! And it was only one week's worth...still, it'll be less than before. Oh, well, them's the sacrifices one must make for working and living in Paradise. I guess I can handle it for the next 3 months.

I'm still getting used to this blogging thing. I'm not used to voicing my thoughts, as those of you who know me can attest to. Not much happened this week, the usual, walk to work, work, walk back from work and then just chill. I haven't used the pool/spa, just because I burned my shoulders walking last week and I want to give them a chance to heal up (no peeling, yet, hopefully not), although now I'm going to have to somehow even out the burn/tan so there are no funky tan lines going all over the place. Again, a sacrifice from living where it's so sunny!

Honolulu has an art walk on the first Friday of the month. Yes, I did partake, and yes, my lips did get numb!!! Hey, for $3 or $3.50 martinis, who wouldn't? There was also a restaurant that offered free food and you know I'd go there! I went with a couple of people from work and it was fun. Happy hour in Honolulu is really not much different than in Hermosa Beach, just better drink specials! Unfortunately, it's only once a month ;)

I'm writing this Sunday morning, eating my on the lanai and watching the ocean. I can see surfers, a few boaters and what looks like a boat carrying snorkelers just offshore. I'm so high up that I can see how the water is so clear that I can see the bottom of the ocean near the shore.

well, that's all for now, catch you later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that crazy how you get used to a bigger pay check from your previous job? I do that too like I have to remind myself I am closer to home and closer to my kids school and I have to stop complaining. BTW we had a fun farewell party last week. Check the pics. I also have a video I will try to re-upload again.